News and events

Memorial commemorating the 1960 women’s revolt unveiled

Publicated on: November 13, 2012

"It is the women and mothers of Nyírcsaholy who, in times of dire trouble, or if great bravery is needed, give us courage and provide an example in the fight for Hungarian land", Deputy Prime Minister Semjén said on Friday at the unveiling of the memorial commemorating the 1960 women’s revolt against forced cooperativisation.

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Welcome statement by H. E. Klára Breuer Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

Publicated on: November 12, 2012

Fifth Budapest Human Rights Forum
Budapest, 8 November 2012

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Anti-corruption cooperation between Hungary and China

Publicated on: November 10, 2012

In the interests of promoting anti-corruption cooperation between Hungary and China, a declaration of cooperation and agreement has been signed by Marcell Biró, Minister of State for Public Administration at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, and Cui Hairong, Deputy Director of China’s National Bureau of Corruption Prevention.

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Past Violations of Rights Must Be Faced, Says State Secretary Németh at Human Rights Forum

Publicated on: November 8, 2012

"The Hungarian government regards it as its moral and political obligation to face past violations of rights connected to the dictatorships of the twentieth century”, Parliamentary State Secretary Zsolt Németh declared in his opening remarks at the Fifth Budapest Human Rights Forum on November 8.

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One hundred thousand will be able to obtain language and IT training grants

Publicated on: November 8, 2012

One hundred thousand Hungarian adults will be able to obtain training grants in IT and foreign languages. The adult education programme is targeting the unemployed, new mothers, the Roma, those living in the poorest areas and the over-45s. There has never been such a project in Hungary on this scale and with these aims.

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Zoltán Balog holds negotiations in France

Publicated on: November 8, 2012

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog declared in Paris that the fact that the French socialists and the Hungarian centre-right government have launched similar programs in many areas is a signal that the classical right-left wing ideological oppositions are rolling back in the act of solving concrete social problems like the integration of Roma people, employment, the issue of culture support and the employment of women.

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Those on low incomes will receive regular child benefit bonuses in the form of Erzsébet vouchers

Publicated on: November 7, 2012

From November 2012 more than 600,000 children will be the subject of regular child benefit bonuses made in kind in the form of ‘Erzsébet’ vouchers. The vouchers can only be used to purchase food products, educational materials and clothing, thus encouraging recipients to use them exclusively for the benefit of their children.

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Prime Minister’s comments regarding the Luxembourg Court of Justice’s decision

Publicated on: November 7, 2012

Prime Minister Orbán stated in a press conference on Tuesday that with its decision on the retirement of judges, the Luxembourg Court of Justice ruled on a non-existing provision of law as the Hungarian Constitutional Court annulled it in July 2012.

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EU court rules Hungary retirement law for judges discriminatory

Publicated on: November 7, 2012

Hungary's law on the early retirement of judges is discriminatory, the Luxembourg Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday.

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A positive image of the Roma must be developed and their middle class supported

Publicated on: November 6, 2012

The Roma minority should trust in the rights afforded them by the constitution and break its victim mentality while the majority should stop sweeping Roma problems under the carpet, Hungary's Minister of Human Resources told “The future of the European Roma” conference on Monday.

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