Anti-corruption cooperation between Hungary and China

Publicated on: November 10, 2012

In the interests of promoting anti-corruption cooperation between Hungary and China, a declaration of cooperation and agreement has been signed by Marcell Biró, Minister of State for Public Administration at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, and Cui Hairong, Deputy Director of China’s National Bureau of Corruption Prevention.

The declaration states that the two countries will pay special attention to anti-corruption measures enacted by each other, and the results of those measures. The agreement also states that the two countries will share useful anti-corruption experience and methods, that they will create cooperation projects and thus assist each other in the development of their capacity to combat corruption.

In March the Government adopted the most comprehensive anti-corruption programme yet seen in Hungary, the main aim of which is to strengthen the state’s ability to resist corruption. In order to acquaint himself with anti-corruption measures being applied there, in Hong Kong Marcell Biró had talks with Simon Peh Yun Lu, Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and also met Daniel Lai, Director of Government Information with responsibility for online public administration. Mr. Biró informed his Chinese counterparts of the launch of the Magyary Zoltán Programme for the development of public administration and the state of online public administration in Hungary.

The Minister of State also met Hong Yi, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Governance in Beijing. They discussed future cooperation between the Academy and the National University of Public Administration, and at an official event Mr. Biró presented a Chinese translation of the Fundamental Law of Hungary to Yuan Shuhong, Deputy Director of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)

