Welcome statement by H. E. Klára Breuer Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

Publicated on: November 12, 2012

Fifth Budapest Human Rights Forum
Budapest, 8 November 2012

Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests,

I have the honour and pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the occasion of the 5th Budapest Human Rights Forum.

5 year term is a significant period of time in a human life. Similarly, 5 year term is significant for us at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, since it was 5 years ago that we launched the Budapest Human Rights Forum with the objective to create a platform for exchange of views, ideas, experiences and best practices in different areas of human rights.

Our wish and goal was to contribute to international efforts aiming at strengthening the human rights segment of international relations. Annual organization of the conference also became one of our human rights commitments and pledges, and was commended as such at the Universal Periodic Review of Hungary in the Human Rights Council last year.

During the past four years the Forum discussed different thematic human rights issues – like free movement and migration, electoral observation, the “Arab Spring”, women’s rights and gender issues, the concept of the responsibility to protect (R2P), and last but not least – the prevention of genocide and mass atrocities.

Concerning this latter area we are particularly pleased to record the establishment of the Foundation for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities two years ago, which has become operational and successfully embedded into the international network of NGOs, international organizations and government bodies dealing with this important issue since then. The round-table organized yesterday by the Genocide Centre in the Central European University as the pre-event of the Human Rights Forum gave a tangible example of its activity.

This year we selected issues – human rights education, freedom of expression and freedom of internet, as well as minority rights - in which the exchange of experiences, best practices is of paramount importance to progress in the right direction. As Phaedrus, the famous Roman poet and tale-writer said – “Exemplis discimus” - we are learning from examples.

Since its establishment the Budapest Human Rights Forum became a kind of brand, a reputable conference of human rights specialists representing all spheres – international, governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic life and the civil society. Therefore we are determined to continue with the organization of this conference in the coming years, as well.

On this note let me wish you a fruitful continuation, an inspiring exchange of views and a very pleasant evening.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

