The International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPwD), as proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in Resolution 47/3 of 1992, is marked around the world on 3 December. . The international organisation has been selecting an annual theme for the event since 1993, this year it is “Sustainable development: The promise of technology”.

In 2014 the International Day of People with Disabilities will focus on the role of technology in:

  • Disaster risk reduction and emergency responses
  • Creating enabling working environments
  • Disability-inclusive sustainable development goals.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into effect in 2006, which was a huge step forward, this being the first international document to declare the special rights of this group of people. The Fundamental Law of Hungary considers people with disabilities as a highly protected group, acknowledging their special rights and needs.

The Human Rights Working Group is operating athematic working group for the Rights of People with Disabilities which creates a platform for conversation between the representatives of NGOs and the governmental sector. In recent years the thematic working group for Other Civil and Political Rights has also addressed the situation of people with disabilities living in Hungary, and questions about the special rights of this group have been raised at the meetings of the other Thematic Working Groups as well.