News and events

Prime Minister received WHO award on World No Tobacco Day

Publicated on: May 31, 2013

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was granted the World Health Organisation’s World No Tobacco Day award for accomplishments in the area of tobacco control, after being nominated by the WHO Country Office in Hungary.

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Sectoral impact assessments and strategies prepared with support from EU resources at the Ministry of Development

Publicated on: May 31, 2013

The Ministry of National Development has been developing the long-term plan documents concerning the fields of information and communication, energy and development policies supported by the New Széchenyi Plan. The project aimed at the creation of impact assessments and strategies for the period 2014-2020, which has a total budget of HUF 175 million, began in March of 2013 and will end in September 2013.

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Minister of State Rétvári: the Government has always taken action against displays of anti-Semitism

Publicated on: May 30, 2013

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, Bence Rétvári, has said that in Hungary over the past three years the Government has always taken action to combat manifestations of anti-Semitism, and has initiated several measures to this end. Mr. Rétvári was speaking in Jerusalem at a conference on anti-Semitism.

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Minister Martonyi receives Secretary General of the OSCE

Publicated on: May 30, 2013

Foreign Minister János Martonyi received Lamberto Zannier, the Secretary General of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on May 29, on the sidelines of the international conference hosted by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the International Centre for Democratic Transition.

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Number of those in employment increased by 58 thousand

Publicated on: May 29, 2013

According to the flash report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) published earlier this morning, the number of those in employment continued to increase compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

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Hungary contributes to elaborating post-2015 development goals and agenda

Publicated on: May 29, 2013

On 28 May, ministers of Member States in charge of international development cooperation endorsed the EU’s position for the post-2015 development goals and agenda that will be the next generation of the Millennium Development Goals. Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs Szabolcs Takács gave an update on Hungary’s contribution to the preparatory negotiations underway in New York, within the framework of the United Nations.

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Minister Martonyi stresses importance of preventing radicalism in fight against terror

Publicated on: May 29, 2013

Terrorism is one of our biggest security policy challenges, but preventing radicalism is as important as fighting terrorism, Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi said on 29 May 2013.

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Continuously Improving Hungarian Transport Safety Indicators

Publicated on: May 29, 2013

Zoltán Schváb, Deputy Minister of State for Transport, discussed current transport safety conditions in Hungary and its vision at the PIN Talk conference of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) held on 29 May 2013 in Budapest. He noted that according to preliminary statistical data on the previous year, road accidents involving personal injury decreased by over 15 per cent and the number of accident deaths declined by over 52 per cent as compared to 2001.

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Subsistence Farming Programme - Over 100 thousand sacks of seed potatoes distributed

Publicated on: May 27, 2013

Two Kiskunhegyes families with several children received the 99,999th and one-hundred thousandth sack of seed potatoes on Saturday, within the framework of the Ministry of Rural Development's Subsistence Farming Programme. The 30kg sacks of potatoes were presented to the middle-aged couples, who live in difficult social circumstances, by the head of the Ministry, Sándor Fazekas.

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Hungary joins Eurotransplant

Publicated on: May 27, 2013

Hungary will join Eurotransplant, the international organisation responsible for coordinating organ transplants in its member countries, as a full member on July 1, under an agreement signed in Budapest on Monday.

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