News and events

Foreign Minister: V4 countries initiate six-month review of Hezbollah-wing ban

Publicated on: July 23, 2013

Visegrád countries have initiated a six-month review of European Union decision to ban Hezbollah's military wing, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi stated on Monday.

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Commemorations in Budapest to mark the 1456 Hungarian victory at Nándorfehérvár

Publicated on: July 22, 2013

Several programmes for children and military parades were organized in Budapest with a view to commemorating the rightly famous triumphant siege of Nándorfehérvár (currently Belgrade) in 1456, which has become deeply rooted in European historical memory by the practice of ringing church bells at noon.

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Hungary wins bid to host the 2021 World Aquatics Championships

Publicated on: July 19, 2013

The International Swimming Federation FINA decided on Friday to award Hungary the right to host the 2021 World Aquatics Championships.

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Interview with Prime Minister Orbán in the Wall Street Journal

Publicated on: July 19, 2013

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave an interview to Wall Street Journal, talking about economic policy, the new constitution and the European Union.

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New Office of Minister of State Established at the Ministry of National Development

Publicated on: July 18, 2013

President of the Republic János Áder appointed Attila Imre Horváth Minister of State for Development and Climate Policy and Key Public Services of the Ministry of National Development as from 15 July, 2013.

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Sándor Fazekas: The utilisation of Shale Gas would transform the EU energy sector

Publicated on: July 18, 2013

"The large-scale utilisation of shale gas would require the European Union to rethink the issue of renewable energy; this was put forward by several speakers during the informal meeting of EU environment ministers", Sándor Fazekas told MTI. The Minister for Rural Development was attending the informal meeting of European Union environment ministers in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, current holder of the EU presidency.

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Hungary aims to become one of Europe's production centres

Publicated on: July 18, 2013

State Secretary for External Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó declared that Hungary is aiming to become one of the production centres of Europe so that it can be in the strongest position possible following the crisis. According to the State Secretary, this goal was served by the Government’s economic policy measures, and this is why measures have been implemented to restore budget discipline and decrease government debt.

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Letter of intention for the development of transportation system between Hungary and Burgenland

Publicated on: July 17, 2013

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó announced plans for the construction of twenty roads crossing the Hungarian-Austrian border paid by EU funding during the European Union's upcoming financial period from 2014 to 2020.

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Deputy Prime Minister: good chances for economic growth

Publicated on: July 17, 2013

Hungary has a good chance to return to the path of economic growth, Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said at the foundation ceremony of a new mill in Veszprém on Wednesday.

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Hungary improved relations with neighbours, says Foreign Minister

Publicated on: July 16, 2013

Hungary has by and large significantly improved its relations with neighbouring countries over the past three years, Foreign Minister János Martonyi said on Tuesday.

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