At a press conference linked to a presentation of the social land programme, human resources minister Zoltán Balog said that the social programme is a means of enabling those in extreme poverty to improve their situations.

On International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Mr Balog said that there are around 1-1.5 million people living in extreme poverty in Hungary. The state is providing these people with an annual 980 billion forints in general support and 222 billion forints on a discretionary basis.

The minister said that the Government bears a great responsibility in the fight against poverty, but the responsibility of individuals is also important. Progress can be made if everybody who is able to helps those in poverty, and for this reason he welcomes every helpful initiative from civil society organisations.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

The minister spoke of the Government’s social policy measures so far, mentioning assistance to those with foreign currency debt, and the building of a work-based society. In this regard, he referred to the action plan for protection of jobs, and the public employment programme. The latter gives work to around 200,000 people – including 80,000 of Roma ethnicity – at a cost of 132 billion forints per year.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

This year there were 147 applicants for the social land programme, and Attila Sztojka, deputy head of department in the Ministry, announced the 96 successful applicants. Through the winning schemes, 2,500 families will have the opportunity to produce their own food, and 170,000 young farm animals will be distributed. Mr Sztojka said that 1,500 public employees will help in the management of 260 hectares of land and in the processing of produce.

Among the successful entrants were local councils, self governments of national minorities, social federations, non-profit organisations and foundations. The average amount of funding for each was around one million forints.
