Refugees and protected people living in the refugee camp of Bicske handed over a petition to the Ministry of Interior on Tuesday. In connection with this the Ministry states the following:

In Hungary internationally protected refugees receive extended support by the Office of Nationality and Immigration (BÁH) in order to help their social integration in line with operative regulations.

After the acceptance of their claims, refugees can spend six months at the integration centre, which can further be extended by another six months.

During this period, they can are entitled to numerous services, such as receiving meals three times a day, free medical service, tools and clothes for personal use, and regular monthly financial support that can be used freely. They can take up work as well, for which they receive monthly compensation.

In accordance with the actions of previous years, the Office of Nationality and Immigration (BÁH), complying with humanitarian considerations, makes it possible to stay at the integration centre until 31 March for those who are not able to move out during the legally regulated period of time.

The refugees are entitled to 520 hours of free Hungarian language lessons and the Office of Nationality and Immigration reimburses the fee of the language exams as well. The authorities make constant efforts in order to help the integration of the internationally protected people, by enabling them to become self-supporting as soon as possible. Therefore the refugees are provided help in seeking accommodation, completing basic education and taking part in professional training.

In order to facilitate moving out of the integration centre, refugees can use further support, such as: financial aid for moving and accommodation, interest-free loans to buy property and regular financial support for sustenance. Concerning children, the Office of Nationality and Immigration provides financial support for education and travel.

In 2012 more than 1 billion forints were spent on refugees, out of which 220 million forints were granted to them as financial support.

(Ministry of Interior, Press Department)