Vivane Reding has made attempts to talk about Hungary several times, but just as previously, she has on this occasion again stated only falsehoods.

Having earlier preferred to side with Irish driver Francis Ciaran Tobin through her lies, who ran over and killed two small children in Hungary, rather than with justice and the cause of the Hungarian justice system, she has now come forward with more falsehoods, this time in Sofia.

Namely, in contrary to her claim, the Supreme Court has not been dissolved in Hungary, it has however been renamed Kúria. In contrary to her claim, the court system has not been disintegrated in Hungary, but rather, in addition to the existing organisational structure, which has remained untouched, further public administration courts have also been established as a result of the reforms.

These actions and lies of Viviane Reding cause great harm to the public image and reputation of the European Commission.

Viviane Reding is either extremely ignorant, or she is lying out of political interests.

We call on her to make the data on which she has based her attack public, or failing that, to make an immediate apology.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)