Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared in the Protestant Great Church of Debrecen that the Hungarian Government is providing HUF ten billion for the reconstruction of the Protestant College and schools of Debrecen leading up to 2017, the 500th anniversary of the birth of Protestantism. The Government is convinced that this support is not simply the honouring of our past but also serves the Calvinism and Hungarian peoples of the future, he added.

Photo: Károly Árvai

The Prime Minister said that the Hungarians had made it clear 3 years ago that they want collaboration and meaningful change; a new political, social and economic system that finally sets things in order.

According to the Prime Minister, the election result is a social contract that has established the system of national cooperation. The most important rule of the national cooperation system is that the winner has tasks to implement and not the right to say what is good or wrong, he said.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán pointed out that Protestantism is intertwined with the fate of the nation, stating that the Hungarian language is the „greatest monument” of Hungarian Protestantism.

Photo: Károly Árvai

Regarding support for churches, the Prime Minister remarked that the Government is returning to the churches what has been taken away from them. He praised the Reformed College of Debrecen that has educated clergymen and teachers who head congregations and schools, adding that it is Hungary’s Christian values, in which the historical cooperation between the Government and Churches has a great role, that provide the strength needed to overcome the crisis.

(Prime Minister’s Office)