The Ministry of Human Resources has provided nine cars to organisations that provide street services in order to support social work and care for the homeless.

State Secretary for Social and Family Affairs Miklós Soltész announced that in addition to Budapest, six other Hungarian towns have been given vehicles to this end. He added that the task of such services is to find those living on the streets in the hardest times and take them to shelters.

The budget of the project is HUF 30 million (EUR 100 000), which will be followed by a similar programme next year. In addition, the Deputy State Secretary for Social Policy announced that on Monday the Public Foundation for the Homeless was allocated HUF 373 million to support the provision of winter services.

At present, the state supports 83 organisations that carry out street services with a total annual budget of HUF 500 million (EUR 1.67 million).

(Ministry of Human Resources)