The Hungarian Foreign Minister finds it encouraging that the Roma communities in Hungary are forming increasingly self-reliant associations, and this demonstrates that they are ready and able – in addition to providing assistance to those in need – to contribute to the social, economic and cultural advancement of Hungary.

János Martonyi, in his letter to the Roma Sun Wheel (Napkerék) Association, pointed out that since improving the conditions of the Roma minority is a task linked to the destiny of the Hungarian nation, the current Hungarian Government set the completion of this task as one of its principle objectives.

The Hungarian Government has changed the established attitude with respect to the Roma minority: it regards the Roma minority as a human resource for the country, and not as a problem to tackle. The Government not only wants to continue the fight against discrimination and segregation, but it intends – through its active Roma integration policy – to do away with the disadvantages that were inflicted on the Roma during the nineties, particularly as a result of the massive laying off of Roma employees.

The Roma Sun Wheel (Napkerék) Association invited all ambassadors accredited to Hungary to its event on June 22, which aimed to present the achievements of the Association with respect to the social integration of the Roma minority in the town of Kaposvár and in Somogy county.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)