The Minster of Rural Development has ordered an immediate investigation of seeds and crops after it came to his attention that certain quantities of genetically modified (GMO) maize seeds had entered Hungary illegally across the country's eastern borders. Sándor Fazekas announced his decision following the opening of a street festival in Budapest's 7th district.

The Minister stressed that keeping Hungary GMO-free is a primary national interest, and several thousand hectares of maize have had to be destroyed during the past two years as a result. The investigation is now centred on whether farmers have sown such seeds, and whether there is GMO contaminated corn in the country, he said.

He drew the attention of farmers who may have sown GMO seeds to the fact that they should plough them up as soon as possible, because if crops are found by inspectors, they will be heavily fined. Sándor Fazekas indicated that reports on the sowing of contaminated seeds had arrived from the eastern part of the country.

Photo: Gergely Botár

In reply to a question from Hungarian news agency MTI, Minister Fazekas said that the contaminated seeds had entered the country across its eastern borders, but that the investigation itself would need to ascertain exactly where they originated from. The GMO seeds had not been imported and distributed by enterprises, he emphasised. There have been no problems with seeds that have been officially imported into the country, as proven by the seed monitoring performed so far.