In 2008 and 2009, under the previous socialist Government, a series of nine attacks was committed against people of Roma origin in which six people were murdered, generating deep shock throughout the whole of society and leading to accusations that police had failed to protect a minority group.

After criminal proceedings were launched against the perpetrators in 2011, the court issued its first instance verdict on 6 August this year, finding all four people involved in committing the murders guilty and handing down three life sentences without parole to the men who directly carried out the attacks.
Trusting that the sentence shall be reinforced at the second instance and fully in favor of the court’s rigorous penalty against the perpetrators, the Hungarian Government, on the initiative of Prime Minister Viktor Orbàn, made a decision on Wednesday that it would pay compensation to the families of the victims of these serial murders. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics has been entrusted with developing the construction for the payment of compensation. Negotiations with the families will begin in September.

Photo: Károly Árvai

In view of the fact that an investigation by the Ministry of Defence has uncovered the possibility that the military secret service operating during the previous socialist government, the Military Security Agency (KBH) may be responsible for having failed to investigate the murders in a timely manner, and it is suspected that the Agency may have been in contact with one of the perpetrators while keeping this fact secret from the Ministry of Defence, the police authorities and the Parliamentary National Security Committee, the National Assembly will include the issue on its agenda during the very first meeting of its autumn session in September. The precise investigation of the circumstances of the affair is a priority for the present Government, because the duty of the secret services is to protect the country and guarantee the safety of its citizens, and their exploitation for party interests is unacceptable in a democratic state governed by the rule of law.

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog, who announced the Government's decision, recalled that at the time, while in opposition, he had initiated the state-funded renovation of the homes of the victims' families as Chairman of Parliament's Human Rights Committee. Later, during his period as Minister of State for Social Inclusion, the Government provided HUF 8.5 million in funding to help some of the families move to new accommodation. He also mentioned that a special mourning service is held each year to commemorate the victims and the Saint Giles catholic community provides the families with counselling and emotional support.

Photo: Károly Árvai

The general standpoint of the Hungarian Government is that if the state fails in its duties towards the population or commits an offence against them, it must take full responsibility. The Orbán government also paid compensation with regard to what happened during the previous socialist government on 20 August 2006, the most important Hungarian national holiday, when people died as a result of extreme weather because, despite reports forecasting the danger, the competent bodies failed to inform the public to a suitable degree. In addition, the Government also paid compensation to the victims of the 2006 police brutality.

(Ministry of Human Resources)