More than 70 tons of food, distributed into 2012 packages, will be given to people in need by the Ministry of National Economy within the framework of the Producers for Families Program.

The 20 million forints worth of Hungarian quality products were assembled by volunteers of the Hungarian Market Co-operative and the Hungarian Association of Large Families (NOE). Each family in need will receive a package containing among others 3 kg of flour, 1 kg of honey, 3 kg of pasta, 10 kg of potatoes as well as various spices.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

The families were selected by volunteers from the NEO, placing special emphasis on disadvantaged people raising children with disabilities, one-parent families, or families in which one of the parents is unemployed or who live on very low wages. The distribution of the food packages was launched on Wednesday, and they will be sent to eight regions in Hungary.

(Ministry of Human Resources)