The Ministry of National Development submitted to Parliament a legislative amendment in support of the use of renewable energy. The regulation bill proposes, among other things, the introduction of the guarantee of origin and the definition by decree of technological/technical conditions required for aid eligibility.

The guarantee of origin certifies that the producer generated some of the energy from renewable energy sources or by highly efficient cogeneration, in accordance with measurable and discrimination-free criteria. The electronic document allows consumers to obtain information on the place of origin of the consumed renewable energy and basic data on the energy producer. The introduction of this instrument strengthens transparency, improves public acceptance of renewable energy and the environmental consciousness of consumers.

Upon approval of the statutory authorisations, the new ministerial decree may establish a single framework for the minimum technical requirements applicable to renewable energy investments implemented with aid. The provisions contribute to the practical application of the accomplishments of technological development and the more efficient use of aid funds.

As a result of the amendments, on a new online platform users can access detailed, authentic and independent information on the advantages of using renewable energy and on available aid.

The new requirements contribute to promoting the use of renewables, to the reduction of Hungary’s energy dependence and to the development of the national green economy.

The submitted bill also contains the amendment of the Nuclear Energy Act that serves harmonisation with EU legislation.

(Ministry of National Development Communications Department)