Women in Focus: Conference on Measures to Support Women and Families

Publicated on: May 24, 2013

The Hungarian Group of the European Parliament's People's Party held a conference entitled "What has the Government Done for Women, Families and Children" on 24 May 2013, within the framework of the Free Europe Debate series. The goal of the Conference was to review the Government's family policies and the results achieved.

The speakers at the event, which generated significant interest, were almost exclusively successful women, such as the Ministerial Commissioner for Improving Women's Employment, the Deputy State Secretary for Social Policy, the President and CEO of Hungarian railway giant MÁV, the Director General of the National Healthcare Fund (OEP) or the Chief Advisor to the Constitutional Court.

It was stated at the Conference that the Government's goal is the most efficient possible use of female human resources and the increasing of employment among women. It was in this spirit that the Job Protection Action Plan was launched in 2013, which made it possible for employers to receive a contribution allowance that encourages them to employ women with small children and women over 50. In addition, the Labour Code has created a framework that enables the development of a flexible and family-friendly labour market.

The Government' measures relating to financial benefits were also presented at the Conference. The first far-reaching measure designed to help women and families was the introduction of family tax allowances for families with children, which acknowledges the work required to raise a child.

Thanks to these measures, female employment figures have finally began to improve after having stagnated since 2003. According to Eurostat data, the women's employment rate is at 53%, and has not been this high since 1992. The extent of the increase places Hungary among the best within the European Union.

(Ministry for National Economy)

