UN needed on the long term in Afghanistan

Publicated on: September 23, 2013

Hungary’s position is that the United Nations’ presence will be needed on the long term in Afghanistan, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Political Director Szabolcs Takács, at the meeting of the International Contact Group on Afghanistan and Pakistan in New York City. He stated that the reason for this is that among others the global organization continues to play an important confidence building role in the Afghan society.

Mr Takács recalled at the meeting on September 21 that Hungary was committed to the stabilization process in Afghanistan, where the country has been an active participant since 2006. He added that the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) has withdrawn from the northern Baghlan province and that the drawdown of Hungarian troops serving in Afghanistan continues. On the other hand, a contingent of about 100 Hungarian soldiers will remain in the country also after 2014, in order to support the training of Afghan forces.

The Hungarian Deputy State Secretary pointed out that the UN needs to energise the activities of major donors, since stabilization in Afghanistan will continuously transform from a military-operational to a civilian construction and capacity building effort. The meeting of the International Contact Group, took place prior to the start of the 68th UN General Assembly.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

