Training program for disabled people

Publicated on: September 4, 2013

The training of 65 disabled people has been completed at Kézmű Nonprofit Ltd's site in Abádszalók, Eastern Hungary. The Hungarian Government provided the 6 million forint funding required for the program within the framework of the New Széchényi Plan, Minister of State for Social Affairs Miklós Soltész announced on Monday. Kézmű Nonprofit Ltd, which operates a sewing factory, employs 103 people of whom 73 are disabled.

In 2013, a 5 billion forint program called Rehabilitation-Value-Change (RÉV) was launched involving three state-owned non-profit companies operating in the light industry sector, within the framework of which employees are offered basic education and vocational training. Teaching takes place in up to 80 municipalities all over Hungary, including the country's most disadvantaged regions.

(Ministry of Human Resources)

