The Office of the Minister of State condemns vandalisation of Serbian monuments

Publicated on: October 29, 2012

The Office of the Minister of State for Church, Civil Society and Nationalty Affairs at the Ministry of Human Resources has condemned the vandalizing of Serbian monuments in Szentendre.

Nationalities in Hungary are important constituents in our country, and attacks on them based on real or supposed historical grievances do not serve reconciliation, and nor do they serve the strengthening of Hungary.
Serbian monuments in Szentendre are part of the world’s built heritage and this year their renovation was funded by the Office of the Minister of State for Church, Civil Society and Nationality Affairs at the Ministry of Human Resources. The vandals have attacked objects of Hungarian cultural heritage.

This astonishing vandalism is also deplorable because the Serbian community in Szentendre and the local Hungarian population have lived side by side in peace for centuries.

(Office of the Human Rights Working Group, EMMI)

