The 2013 Budapest Water Summit

Publicated on: November 21, 2012

Water is one of the most precious natural resources of our Planet. Only 2% of the world’s water resources are made up by freshwater. This scarce resource however plays a crucial role in all segments of nature, society and economy.

In view of the projected growth in popular demand for water and an accelerating climate change it is expected that by 2030 some 40% of the world population will suffer from water shortages. Europe and Hungary too will be affected: access to water is likely to become a fundamental issue of prosperity and peace at individual and national level alike.

Hungary is well-known for its long tradition, extensive knowledge in water-related issues and for its highly developed water infrastructure. Water has always been an outstanding priority in Hungarian bilateral and multilateral foreign relations. In view of its traditional interests and expertise in the field, Hungary wishes to continue its strong engagement in shaping international water policy.

Building on Hungary’s achievements during its Presidency of the EU in 2011, the Hungarian Government selected the issue of water as its top priority in the run up to and at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012. To follow up the conclusions of the Conference Mr János Áder, the President of Hungary, announced in Rio de Janeiro Hungary’s intention to organise a major international water event (Budapest World Water Summit) in October 2013. With the participation of UN Member States, competent UN agencies and bodies as well as all concerned economic and social partners the Summit aims to contribute to the elaboration of the water-related Sustainable Development Goals and provide concrete guidance on the most pressing water issues – drinking water, sanitation, waste water treatment, integrated water management, international water cooperation, innovative water technologies – with a view to defining the priorities of global development policy post 2015. The Summit will also strive to offer practical and affordable solutions to the water-related challenges of developing and developed countries alike. Integrated into the Summit parallel science, business, civil and youth forums will be organised, creating an opportunity also for the presentation of Hungarian companies, universities, researchers active in the field of water policy.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

