Technical intelligentsia will play a key role in the creation of a powerful Hungary

Publicated on: September 23, 2013

In the opinion of the Minister for National Economy, Hungarian technical intelligentsia will be a determining factor in the building of a strong and successful Hungary with steadily expanding economy.

Speaking at the commencement ceremony of Carpathian Basin tertiary education facilities with Hungarian as the language of teaching held at the Óbuda University in Budapest, Mihály Varga said that universities are the depositories of the common future of the Hungarian nation.

Addressing students he added that Hungary’s future is their hands – therefore in the right hands. He also explained that it is important to establish a common tertiary education agenda in the Carpathian Basin, as it may assist the entire Hungarian nation to be successful on their homeland. The Minister stressed -- speaking about recently introduced Government measures -- that in 2013 Hungary emerged from recession and is back on a growth path.

(Ministry for National Economy)

