Social consultation to begin on ethical guidelines in the public sector

Publicated on: January 23, 2013

The Ministry of Public Administration and Justice prepared a Green Book laying down ethical guidelines for state agencies. The document serves as an occupational code of ethics under the auspices of the Government’s fight against corruption.

The recommendations identified in the Book protect government officials, improve transparency within the organisation and serve as a point of reference for resolving any ethical dilemmas that may emerge. The proposal is at present a draft and cannot therefore be regarded as the Government’s official position in its current status.

In the interest of promoting coordinated ethical regulations, public service agencies and centrally financed institutions will be able to create their own customised occupational and organisational codes of ethics on the basis of the guidelines laid down in the Green Book. These directives serve as guidance.

In addition to the existing legal rules, the Green Book provides useful guidelines related to office work for public servants which are worded in an easy-to-understand manner that is comprehensible to all. These guidelines protect officials and also help prevent the development of corruption scenarios, while they additionally also contain useful information for citizens, for instance, for the purpose of preventing misunderstandings resulting from gifts given in good faith that may lead to inconvenience for both parties.

The Book lays down sixteen occupational ethical requirements, each of which is equally binding on everyone. These fundamental requirements state, for instance, that public servants must perform their duties in compliance with Hungary’s Fundamental Law and with dedication, represent national interests and must fulfil their tasks in a responsible, professional and unbiased manner, thereby maintaining a high degree of transparency at all times. Senior executives must meet further important criteria, such as setting an example, providing support for fellow-workers, maintaining consistent accountability and enforcing the relevant professional considerations.

The Book describes the conduct that individuals in senior positions in public administration are expected to manifest, defines as a rule of thumb that individuals working in the public sector may not accept gifts in the interest of the preservation of their professional independence and also determines how public service workers are required to proceed against anyone that may wish to offer unlawful advantages or bribes.

The Book makes a recommendation as to how long individuals who previously worked in the public sector and subsequently found employment outside the public sector may not enter into contact with state agencies in connection with issues that are closely related to the duties they performed in their former employment. It is imperative to prevent anyone from abusing their existing relations in the course of the administration of their affairs. In addition to making recommendations concerning the governing ethical norms in the public sector, the Government also intends to support the practical implementation of these norms by launching training courses.

The Government has implemented the most intensive series of anti-corruption measures of the past twenty years because they are committed to increasing faith in the State and guaranteeing with all means available the responsible management of national assets and public funds as well as the exposure of cases of corruption and criminal accountability. This is the first time since the change of regime that there has been a government-level anti-corruption programme, the implementation of which has already begun. The conditions necessary for the fight against corruption have been improved in the fields of legislation, public administration and the economy alike. As a result, Hungary has opened a new chapter in the fight against corruption. In addition to creating more stringent legislation, the emphasis may now be shifted onto prevention in order to make public administration and public life fair and transparent.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)

