Robert Capa Contemporary Photo Centre to be established

Publicated on: August 30, 2013

The Robert Capa Contemporary Photo Centre will function as an exhibition space and research and training centre from October, the Minister of State for Culture János Halász announced on Thursday.

He stated that the Government granted 155 million forints (EUR 515,000) to launch the photography centre named after Capa (1913-1954), the internationally renowned Hungarian-born war photographer and photojournalist, and allocated 198 million forints for its operations next year.

The Robert Capa Centre will be located in the Ernst Museum’s building in Nagymező street. In addition to being an exhibition space and training centre, it will host events, research the work of noted Hungarian photojournalists and promote the work of Capa. The centre will also set up a Hungarian photography prize to be granted for the first time on October 22, the 100th birth anniversary of Capa.

(Ministry of Human Resources)

