Prime Minister nominates Mónika Karas as head of NMHH

Publicated on: August 14, 2013

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has nominated Mónika Karas as Head of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH). Ms. Karas will take over this position following Annamárai Szalai’s recent death. The Prime Minister informed President János Áder about his recommendation in a letter, with effect from 19 August.

As far as the appointment process of the President of the NMHH is concerned, the Prime Minister has the power to nominate the head of the institution, whereas his/her appointment is the responsibility of the President of the Republic.

With the nomination, the new President also becomes a candidate to chair the Media Council, but his or her election as head of the organisation must be approved by Parliament. Before nominating a candidate for presidency of the media authority, the Prime Minister sought opinions from a total of 26 professional organisations in writing and held consultations with these organisations on 12 August. He nominated Ms. Karas in line with their opinion. The National Assembly slightly modified the eligibility criteria regarding the President of the Media Authority in July.

In accordance with the recommendation of Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics, the candidate’s higher education qualification does not necessarily have to be in the field of law, social science or economics. (Ms. Karas has a degree in law.) Professional experience criteria have also been specified. The President of the Media Authority and members of the Media Council may not be re-appointed after the expiry of their nine-year mandates.

(Prime Minister’s Office)

