National Cyclist Charter: the will of every cyclist

Publicated on: September 17, 2013

Representatives of the Cycling Roundtable, which comprises seven civil cyclists' organisations, signed a National Cyclist Charter on 17 September 2013 at the Ministry of National Development in Budapest. Minister of State for Infrastructure Pál Völner said that he views the document as a suitable basis for the joint finalisation of related political and financing goals for the upcoming European Union programming period.

The signatories to the National Cycling Charter declare that they will make concerted efforts to ensure that cycling, one of Hungary's most popular transport, tourist, recreation and sports activities, will continue to develop at an unbroken pace and become on the of priority pillars of sustainable economic development in 2014-2020. The achievement of these goals requires significant infrastructure development, which according to the recommendation of the civil organisations would be provided through the increased utilisation of EU funding.

The bicycle is currently the main mode of transport in one out of every five trips. According to the partners to the Charter, this ratio could be increased to 22-25 percent by 2020. The suitable exploitation of the opportunities inherent in cycling tourism, cycling sports and in the Hungarian cycling industry and related enterprises, and a reduction in the number of cycling accidents could mean an additional 150 billion forints in revenues and savings for the Hungarian economy in the upcoming seven year period, the National Cycling Charter explains.

The document was signed by representatives from the European Cyclists' Federation, The Cycling Hungary Association, the National Association of Cycling-Friendly Settlements, the Hungarian Cycling Club, the Hungarian Cycling Sports Association, The Hungarian Hiking Association and the Hungarian Bicycle Industry and Retailers Association.

Minister of State Völner has initiated regular cooperation with the Cycling Roundtable in the interests of the joint finalisation and adoption of the National Cycling Concept, which forms part of the National Transport Strategy, and the National Cycling Concept (2014-2020), which has been developed by civil organisations. As coordinator of the currently ongoing European Mobility Week and the poster of Cycling Friendly tenders, the Ministry of National Development has proven its commitment to the promotion and increasing popularity of cycling.

(Ministry of National Development)

