Minister Pintér: Ministry of Interior has been successful over the last two years

Publicated on: November 26, 2012

The Ministry of Interior has done a successful work over the past two years by organizing public employment, expanding the number of police forces, establishing the national network of disaster management and helping citizens by creating a new and easier system of public administration – said Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér in Kecskemét at a press conference about the past two years’ work.

The ministry has provided work for more than 270 thousand people in 2012 with the help of public employment, mainly in agriculture; but also in road maintenance and cleaning of water drains in order to prevent disasters he added.

There are 17 thousand people in Hungarian prisons, who are expected to be self-supporting – said the minister. He added the prisoners work in agriculture, operate a bakery, have a poultry slaughterhouse and they also sew police uniforms.

The minister mentioned the re-organization of disaster management as an important step, along with the fact that, by overtaking the fire brigades, the financial status of the local governments does not define fire safety.
According to the Minister, almost 10 thousand people are on standby in the field of disaster management and technical developments are progressing well, too. He also added that he handed over 9 bulk water carriers to replace several old ones.

Minister Pintér evaluated the activity of the 44 thousand police officers as successful adding that 3 thousand new policemen have started to work.

He mentioned that thanks to so called “rolling service”, policemen are ready to take action wherever and whenever necessary. As a result, citizens’ sense of security has grown in small towns as well.

The results of the newly established Counter Terrorism Centre (TEK) are also outstanding the Minister stated, adding that numerous armed criminals have been captured without the use of weapons.

The National Protective Service (NVSZ) has proven its reason of existence by exploring the corruption that has reached police leaders too.

Minister Pintér emphasized: the Office of Nationality and Immigration (BÁH) led by the Ministry of Interior has given Hungarian citizenship to 200 thousand people.

(MTI, Ministry of Interior)

