Minister Martonyi sends letter to Chairman of Raoul Wallenberg Association

Publicated on: April 29, 2013

Minister Martonyi strongly condemned the recent attack against Ferenc Orosz, Chairman of the Raoul Wallenberg Associaton.

Chairman Ferenc Orosz
Raoul Wallenberg Association

Dear Mr. Chairman,

I have learned from the press of the serious atrocity you suffered yesterday. I find what has happened to you shameful and outrageous, and I strongly condemn it. Please allow me to express my sympathy and wish you a speedy recovery.
Mr. Chairman!
The work that you perform as the head of the Raoul Wallenberg Association is highly acknowledged. You are a recognised and respected member of Hungarian society. We know full well that you and the members of the association perform this extremely important task, with which you reinforce the culture of mutual respect and sympathy, and which tolerates neither anti-Semitism nor any other form of discrimination, without receiving any compensation. In 2012, as head of the Raoul Wallenberg Association and Chairman of the Raoul Wallenberg Commemorative Committee, you were an excellent partner to us in the realisation of the Memorial Year organised by the Government to honour the Swedish diplomat.
Your work and the work of people like you generate appreciation for our country. However, those who have committed this act of aggression have caused immeasurable damage to Hungary and brought shame on all of us.
Despite what has happened, I remain positive that it is due to the Wallenberg Memorial Year that was organised in cooperation with the Association, that there are ever increasing numbers of people who condemn the act committed against you and find it totally unacceptable.
Wishing you once again a speedy recovery!

29 April 2013, Budapest

With best regards,

János Martonyi
Minister of Foreign Affairs

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

