Minister Martonyi met with executives of the Holocaust Memorial Museum

Publicated on: May 6, 2013

Foreign Minister János Martonyi received two of the executives of the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum, Museum Director Sara Bloomfield and Director of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Paul Shapiro in his office on May 3. The parties reviewed the main issues related to the Jewish community in Hungary. Minister Martonyi provided detailed information on government measures aimed at combating intolerance.

During the discussion, special emphasis was placed on deepening young people's knowledge of the Holocaust, as well as on the importance of a deeper understanding of the darkest era of Hungarian history. Museum Director Sara Bloomfield spoke highly of the exhibition at the Holocaust Documentation Centre and Memorial Collection and expressed her hope that more and more young people will visit the Páva Street institution.

The Hungarian Minister emphasized the extreme importance of educating young people about tolerance. He pointed out the necessity of action and education against anti-Semitism and all forms of intolerance, while also emphasising how important it is for the international media to not only report negative events, but to also report extensively about the results of measures taken against extremism.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

