Minister Martonyi: Japan vital strategic partner

Publicated on: August 23, 2013

Japan is an vitally important strategic partner for Hungary, said Foreign Minister János Martonyi on Friday after meeting Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida and signing an agreement on social security.

Minister Martonyi stated that the agreement guarantees that the period spent by Hungarians working in Japan or Japanese working in Hungary is taken into consideration when their pensions are calculated. Minister Kishida emphasised that the agreement was very important to Hungarian and Japanese companies.

Photo: Mate Nagy

Both ministers expressed hope that this would further encourage Japanese companies to invest in Hungary and boost economic ties between the two countries.

Later in the day, the Japanese Foreign Minister is scheduled to hold talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and meet Japanese people living in Hungary. On Saturday, Mr Kishida will visit the Suzuki plant in Esztergom and travel on later to the nearby historic town of Visegrád.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

