József Antall Summer School opened by Minister Hende

Publicated on: July 16, 2013

The more than twenty year old cooperation between the four Visegrád countries has proved that if they join forces, they can achieve better results and represent their interests more effectively, Minister of Defence Csaba Hende stated at the opening event of the József Antall Summer School. The week-long summer school is organised by the József Antall Knowledge Centre and supported by the Prime Minister’s Office. The organisers invited a maximum of 50 participants from all around the world and the lectures will focus on the future of the Visegrád Group.

The Minister reminded that following the initiative of late Prime Minister József Antall, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia now cooperate as equal partners, based on common interests and values, in order to achieve their strategic goals and complete general tasks.

In July 2013 Hungary takes over the Presidency of the Visegrád Group, with the aims of increasing the visibility of this cooperation within Europe and the transatlantic region, he added. The Minister also stated that József Antall believed in Central European cooperation and fought to define Hungary’s place in the Euro-Atlantic region.

At the event hosted by the Budapest Corvinus University, Roman Kowalski, Poland’s Ambassador to Hungary stated that Hungary’s V4 Presidency will carry on the goals of last year’s Polish Presidency. Frank Spengler, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Budapest Office emphasised the increasing importance of cooperation between European countries in globalisation, to guarantee peace and stability.

(Ministry of Defence)

