Hungary signs culture, sport and healthcare agreements with Vietnam

Publicated on: September 17, 2013

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog and Vietnamese Deputy Ministers Le Khanh Hai and Le Quang Cuong concluded inter-ministerial agreements on culture, sport and healthcare on 16 September 2013 in Budapest. The work schedules determined for 2004-2016 will allow future direct cooperation between institutes and the development and realisation of concrete cooperation programmes. Parliamentary State Secretary András Doncsev from the Ministry of Human Resources opened an exhibition entitled "Vietnamese Porcelain - Fragile Reminiscence" in the Museum of Ethnography.

Minister Zoltán Balog signed an intergovernmental treaty on culture with his Vietnamese counterpart during his visit to Vietnam in March 2013, creating a new foundation for bilateral cultural relations. The work schedule for 2014-2016 agreed on now, according to which the parties shall promote direct cooperation between cultural institutions and inform each other about important cultural festivals to be held in their respective countries, is based on that treaty. The translation of literary works to both languages is also to be promoted, as is participation at international book fairs in the two countries, professional cooperation between institutes with public collections and the organisation of joint exhibitions on a mutual basis.

The health-related professional programmes that formed a basis for the reinforcement of the previous Hungarian-Vietnamese Healthcare Cooperation Agreement were outlined during an earlier visit to Vietnam by Minister Balog and Minister of State for Healthcare Miklós Szócska. The new agreement signed on 16 September includes current fields of cooperation of great significance in which bilateral cooperation may be strengthened, including the modernisation of the healthcare sector and infrastructure development, the development of the health insurance and healthcare financing systems, national anti-cancer programmes, the development of the oncology service system, information technology applications, healthcare human resources development, examining the requirements and opportunities for providing cross-border healthcare services, traditional medicine and infectious diseases.

The sports schedule aims to facilitate direct cooperation between sports organisations through the exchange of information. Accordingly, the agreement encourages cooperation between the two countries' Olympic Committees, sports associations, universities, sports science organisations and between the authorities responsible for the renovation and maintenance of sports facilities.

"Porcelain is a fragile and yet everlasting treasure, just like a nation's culture. It requires tireless work, respect and attention, passed on to their successors by generations. Accordingly, it must be protected, cultivated and supported", declared András Doncsev at the opening of the "Vietnamese Porcelain - Fragile Reminiscence" exhibition on 16 September. At the event, held at the Museum of Ethnography, the Parliamentary State Secretary emphasised that it was especially gratifying that the exhibition coincides with the official visit of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Truong Tan Sang.

The exhibition at the Museum of Ethnography will be open for just three weeks from 17 September, and provides a rare insight into the traditional ceramic art of far-off Vietnam. The exhibition presents the products of three ceramics centres, Bat Trang, Chu Dau and Bau Truc, as well as the works of a family porcelain workshop, Minh Long. The works on display have been crafted by modern masters on the basis of traditional models, and so the exhibition is a showcase for the historical strata of Vietnamese porcelain.

(Ministry of Human Resources)

