Hungary is prepared to send advisors to Syria

Publicated on: September 10, 2013

Hungary is prepared to send military advisors to Syria to aid the possible transfer of chemical weapons to international authorities and their subsequent disposal, the Ministry of Defence announced in Székesfehérvár on Tuesday.

Photo: Gábor Kálmánfi

Csaba Hende made the announcement during a visit to the Hungarian company of the 3rd NATO Signal Battalion. The Minister stressed that Hungary condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria on 21 August, which was responsible for the deaths of many innocent civilians, including children. A comprehensive solution must be found to the issue of Syrian chemical weapons stocks, he added.

According to Minister Hende, the international community is approaching the issue at different levels and from various angles, but are generally moving in the same direction: air strikes against Syria and the further escalation of the war can be avoided if chemical weapons stocks are transferred to international authorities and duly disposed of.

As the Minister stated, if the solution put forward in recent days by the Russians, the USA and the EU is realised, Hungary is prepared to send military advisors to the region.


