Hungarian response to criticism concerning service for the homeless

Publicated on: April 4, 2013

In response to the statements made by the UN special rapporteur on adequate housing and the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, the Hungarian Government rejects the groundless criticism levelled against the fourth amendment of the Hungarian Constitution on April 3, 2013.

In response to the statements made by the UN special rapporteur on adequate housing and the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, the Hungarian Government rejects the groundless criticism levelled against the fourth amendment of the Hungarian Constitution on April 3, 2013.

The Hungarian Government has taken several measures to help the homeless and fight poverty, which are global problems that must be addressed by all governments, including the Hungarian one. The Hungarian Government has introduced several measures to improve and develop social services. The capacity of shelters already exceeds the total number of the homeless. Hungary has also managed to ensure accommodation for homeless people in order to protect human life in life-threatening situations.

It is the constitutional duty of the Government as well as of local governments to provide adequate housing for all citizens; consequently, the Government and local governments seek to provide shelter for all homeless people.

The article of the Fundamental Law of Hungary that has relevance for the homeless authorises decision-makers to restrict permanent physical presence in public space in the interest of public order, public security, public health and cultural values. The article also enables the authorities to urge those who are living in the protected zone to leave. This is all that the Basic Law provides authorization for, and it does not sanction the homeless way of life as such. Therefore, it is unfounded that Hungary has institutionalized making homelessness a crime.

The Hungarian Government is ready to cooperate with the UN’s human rights network, including the two special rapporteurs, and has conducted continuous consultation with the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner in order to provide reliable information on Hungarian legislative changes. It should be noted that the rapporteurs themselves have acknowledged that the amendments ensure constitutional protection for the basic rights of homeless people. The Hungarian Government confirms the importance of protecting universal human rights and liberties. The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed the special rapporteur on adequate housing and the special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights through diplomatic channels that the Hungarian Government will prepare a detailed response to the concerns voiced by the rapporteurs.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

