Government proposal regarding the Fundamental Law

Publicated on: August 29, 2013

The Hungarian Government has decided to submit a proposal on Friday for several modifications to the Fundamental Law. Following thorough discussions between the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice and the Venice Commission, as in previous cases the proposal also takes into consideration the Commission’s established recommendations such as the media law.

Previous proposals linked to the Fundamental Law were made by individual MPs, however this time the Government decided at its cabinet meeting to present a draft to Parliament on Friday, which will be debated in September.
Among others, the proposal states that during the election campaign commercial TV and radio stations may also be air party political broadcasts as long as they do so free of charge and under equal conditions. Also, in order to clarify regulation regarding churches, people sharing the same faith may establish religious communities, which are independent and operate separately from the state. These communities will have the right to initiate cooperation with the state for community goals.

The provisions stating that a form of tax may be levied in case of payment obligations arising from decisions of the Constitutional Court or European Court of Justice will be excluded from the Fundamental Law, as well as the provisions authorising the National Judicial Office (OBH) to allow the transfer of cases.

The proposal also paves the way for the merger of the Central Bank (MNB) and the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (PSZÁF), a move also welcomed by the European Central Bank (ECB).

(Prime Minister’s Office)

