Government and Unions agree on 2013 wage guidelines

Publicated on: July 15, 2013

Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga signed an agreement on 2013 wage guidelines with representatives of employees' organisations on Monday.

At a press conference held prior to the conclusion of the agreement, the Minister stressed that the wage offer agreed on at the Government and private sector Permanent Consultation Forum (VKF) is one that is acceptable and realistic to all parties. Negotiations on sectoral and local wages must strive to maintain the real term value of net wages in practically every income group during 2013, in addition to which pay rises may not lead to job reductions, he added.

In addition to Vice President of the National Association of Employers and Industrialists Ferenc Rolek, President of the Liga Trade Unions István Gaskó and Minister Varga, the agreement was also signed by President of the National Confederation General Consumer Cooperatives and Commercial Associations (ÁFEOSZ-COOP Confederation) Zoltán Zs. Szőke, Secretary General of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) Ferenc Dávid, President of the National Association of Hungarian Trade Unions (MSZOSZ) Péter Pataky and President of the National Association of Workers' Councils (MOSZ) Imre Palkovics.

According to the Minister for National Economy, the agreement signifies that everyone in Hungary is acting responsibly with regard to the most important economic and social issues: the Government's social partners are aware of this responsibility and have contributed to maintaining the state of social affairs.

Mihály Varga stressed that the number of workplaces has not fallen in Hungary despite the economic crisis, and in fact has risen slightly, but further growth is needed. It is a huge achievement that in addition to maintaining the social status quo success has also been achieved in the economy, he noted.

The Minister also spoke of the fact that the results of the Job Protection Action Plan, which the Government developed in conjunction with employers, are already visible: over 720 thousand jobs were protected through state benefits during the first half of this year.

President of the Liga Trade Unions István Gaskó and Ferenk Rolek, Vice President of the National Association of Employers and Industrialists both stated that there had been much expectation with regard to the wage offer, which are an important guideline, in several sectors.

Ferenc Rolek stressed that the VKF had performed well recently, proving to be an efficient forum for negotiations, and was capable of achieving agreements; the wage offer agreement signed today is the latest result of this cooperation.

(Ministry for National Economy)

