Employment of individuals with disabilities increased by 10 thousand

Publicated on: June 20, 2013

In the past two years, the employment of those living with disabilities within state-subsidised frameworks has increased to fifty-five thousand, Miklós Soltész, State Secretary for Social and Family Affairs of the Ministry for National Resources announced in Debrecen today.

Photo: Gergely Botár

The State Secretary, who attended an exhibition entitled “Segítő vásár” (“Helping Fair”) featuring items made by people with disabilities, also said that in addition to the 10 thousand new jobs created with governmental support, five thousand small enterprises had redeemed so-called rehabilitation cards for 18 thousand employees.

These businesses are not accredited with public support schemes, but with the help of the card they do not pay social contribution tax on employees with reduced capacity to work, an incentive for them to employ disabled people.

(Ministry of Human Resources)

