Beekeepers to Receive More Funding

Publicated on: August 7, 2013

"The second phase of the Hungarian National Beekeeping National Programme launched two years ago is expected to be completed successfully and the third phase, effective until 2016, may achieve even greater success. An extra 670 thousand euros - some 200 million forints - in extra funding are available each year from European Union and domestic sources for the realisation of the Programme", announced Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Rural Development Sándor Tantó at the launch of the new National Beekeeping Programme.

Since the Programme was launched in 2004, the number of bee families has increased by some 30 percent, reaching a current total of over one million. Accordingly, the bees produce 20-25 thousand tons of honey in an average year. This year, however, the cold spring and the hot, dry summer mean that less honey will be extracted from the hives and so honey producers are expecting a relatively modest year.

As a result of the National Programme, the technological level of beekeeping equipment has increased and the pharmaceutical treatment to prevent the diseases of bees has become more effective, which also has a positive effect on honey quality. Hungarian honey is in great demand on the international market and it is made even more attractive by the fact that the bees collect nectar from flowers that are guaranteed GMO-free, in view of the fact that Hungarian legislation prohibits the cultivation of genetically modified plants.

The sector, which provides a living and/or extra income for some 20 thousand families, generates some HUF 20 billion in revenue, which is 1 percent of the total production value derived from agriculture. The indirect profit produced by bees is also of great importance: by pollinating vegetables, fruit trees and other plants, the bees contribute to generating hundreds of billions of forints in additional income. As an example, Sándor Tantó mentioned the fact that without the cooperation of bees, apple trees would produce only a few apples instead of several kilos.

During the upcoming years the competitiveness of the sector should increase as a result of the extra funding, more modern pharmaceuticals can be applied to protect bees against the Varroa bee mite, the level of technology can increase in the interests of conforming to food safety regulations, which guarantee the preservation of the high level of quality of Hungarian honey, which in turn is an important public health factor. The increased popularity of healthy nutrition has meant that the earlier average per capita honey consumption in Hungary has almost doubled in recent year and should increase even further according to the goals of the Programme, Sándor Tantó explained.

(MTI/Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)

