12th European Mobility Week Starts with Music

Publicated on: September 16, 2013

“In recent years, we have achieved major results in bicycle and community transport development but these efforts only make sense if we really use them”, explained Pál Völner, Minister of State for Infrastructure of the Ministry of National Development at the domestic opening ceremony of the European Mobility Week on 16 September 2013. Held at the Western Railway Station, the event was addressed by MÁV-START Ltd. CEO Csaba Ungvári and Deputy Chief Mayor Dr. Balázs Szeneczey.

The Ministry of Human Resources was represented by Dr. Rózsa Hoffmann, Secretary of State for Public Education. At the inauguration of the campaign, which promotes sustainable transport, prizes were awarded within the joint drawing, photo and family creative competition of the Ministry of National Development (MND), the Ministry of Human Resources (MHR) and the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD). The event included a show by MÁV Symphony Orchestra’s brass ensemble under the baton of Roland Bakó.

“With the Mobility Week’s activities, we want to convey people the realisation that if we think over and simplify our transport habits, it will not only benefit our own health, indeed our purse, but also our immediate or wider environment, in fact without losing anything from our comfort”, Pál Völner emphasised in his speech. “Every single individual’s personal responsibility matters so that we can live in cities and leave behind towns and villages where people not only can but also do live well”, he added.

In his speech, Csaba Ungvári said, “the MÁV Group joined the European Mobility Week with a variety of actions, even addressing people who commute by car in everyday life. With the growing popularity of railway, we have seen an increase in the number of our passengers and, in parallel, an expansion of their service opportunities over the past two years.” The CEO stressed, “the MÁV Group has continuously developed both suburban and long-distance traffic. In addition to track reconstruction, we have continued to schedule station renovation projects in 2013. We have made significant progress in replacing vehicles by acquiring new suburban motor trains and manufacturing the prototype of the IC+ wagons planned for long-distance traffic. Free WiFi service is now available in more than 500 wagons and will be in another 200 by the end of the year. We are committed to further improving rail bicycle transport and expanding the on-line ticket sales system and ticket purchase options.”

Budapest Local Government was represented by Deputy Chief Mayor Dr. Balázs Szeneczey, who pointed out that children are responsible for encouraging their parents to use environmentally friendly modes of transport in their everyday lives. The Local Government is working to make community transport a realistic alternative to cars, he explained.

Hungary is holding the 12th edition of this series of events that are aimed at popularising environmentally conscious and safe transport as a contribution to developing a healthier and safer urban environment. Acting as the campaign’s national coordinator, the MND prepared communication materials and proposed activities in support of local governments to encourage the highest possible number of towns and villages to participate in the program. This year, a record number of 125 have joined in. Held between 16 and 22 September, the Mobility Week’s activities in and outside Budapest are described in detail on www.emh.kormany.hu.

More than 2,000 works were submitted to the traditional drawing, photo and family creative competition of the MND, MHR and MRD, of which over 200 have been awarded by the jury. The works had to relate to this year’s slogan of the Mobility Week: “Clean air – It’s your move!”. The creators of the best works received a bicycle while others were given MP4 players, e-book readers, scooters and books. Szerencsejáték Ltd. offered valuable lucky cards, the Centre for Budapest Transport offered an annual student’s pass, while MÁV Ltd. involved Gyermekvasút Ltd. to offer a free ride on the environmental protection training service of the children’s railway to all classmates of an awarded student.

Tied in with the European Mobility Week, on 21 September MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. will hold the third edition of MVM Energy Round, the Race of Alternative Propulsion Vehicles in the heart of Budapest, at the Pest abutment of Chain Bridge. MVM Energy Round will feature green technologies that are already available to automobile factories to protect the environment but a variety of really unique, emission-free vehicles will also line up for the start.

As has been the case in recent years, Budapest Local Government will conclude the campaign by holding Budapest Car Free Day (22 September) to open Andrássy Avenue for pedestrians and invite people to diverse activities for a day.

This year’s communication within the European Mobility Week is sponsored by the National Development Agency, Hungarian Post Ltd., Szerencsejáték Ltd. and MVM Ltd.

(Ministry of National Development)

