10th professional orientation camp for Roma youth

Publicated on: July 25, 2013

The Ministry of Interior is organising its tenth annual professional orientation camp for those young Roma people who are interested in law enforcement work.

50 young people will take part in the six-day camp, with all expenses covered by the Ministry of Interior. The aim of the camp is to introduce the work of the various fields of law enforcement to the young people and make them aware of the requirements for admission. Those who are thinking about a possible career in law enforcement will have the opportunity to talk with police officers, fire fighters, prison guards and disaster management professionals.

The participants will also have the change to also attend mock entrance examinations that include physical, psychological and aptitude tests. The aim of this is to introduce the requirements to the young people and make them aware of what they need to work on prior to the real entrance exams.

The participants will visit the Training Centre of the Hungarian Police Force, where they will attend – among many others – driving and shooting demonstrations. Programs organised during the camp will include visits to the fire fighters at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport and to the National University of Public Service.

(Ministry of Interior)

